- To create awareness among public on energy efficiency through presentation from various stakeholders especially to focus on grass root activities and also open discussion
- To ensure public understand better the concept and importance of energy efficiency and other policy matters
- To ensure participant to practice energy efficiency despite of disseminate information on energy efficiency to their family members and friends
Programme Description: There will be 20 public talks to be carry out within year 2014 in Peninsular Malaysia only. The target group of participants are from "maktab perguruan", university, members of society. The programme will be held at a selected hall of a particular area. Each programme is a half day programme.
Expected Output: At the end of the programme, participants should have a clearer picture and better understanding on energy efficiency and the importance of it. Being elder energy consumers they will also be able to educate the young consumers on energy efficiency. Continuous assessment of the programme and also information dissemination can be done through the SWITCH! website.