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Since the Industrial Revolution, the changes in global environment from air pollution have a particular impact on global climate change. Climate change is defined as long-term changes that occur in the pattern of temperature, wind, precipitation, humidity and the season. What is the role of forests in these circumstances?

Forest has a great role to control climate change uncertainties since recently through the control of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.�This is because carbon dioxide will be reduced from the atmosphere by diffusion in wood, leaves and soil. Tropical forests play a vital role in controlling global climate change because it is able to absorb carbon at least 2.6 Gt / year.

In addition, the forest is also a place to keep offering the same about 1650 Gt with twice as much carbon in the atmosphere. Forests also serve to support the human life of increasing risk of climate change.�However, carbon stored in forest ecosystems, can still be released into the atmosphere when forests are burned. Frequent forest fires will cause the release of poisonous gases into the atmosphere and increase the temperature of the earth.

People in this world are entitled to enjoy a healthy and safe environment. To ensure a safe and healthy environment for all, everybody needs to play the following responsibilities:

1) Recycle paper so that the felling of forests to produce paper can be reduced.

2) Report any illegal logging or forest fires to the responsible

3) Avoid the rampant forest fires

All parties need to collaborate with one another to preserve the environment blessed by God.

(Source : Konsumerkini - Translated from "PEMELIHARAAN HUTAN HADAPI PERUBAHAN IKLIM")

Vanitha Vasu

Forum Air Malaysia


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